Spin-resolved photoemission and band-mapping in epitaxial fcc Fe-Co alloys on Cu(100)

Zharnikov , M., Dittschar , A., Kuch , W., Kirschner , J., Schneider , C. M.

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 165, (1-3), pp 250-253 (1997)

The electronic properties of fcc Fe-Co/Cu(100) were investigated by spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. At a fixed concentration a dispersion of the majority and minority bands with ∆5-symmetry towards higher binding energy along the ∆-axis of the Brillouin zone could be followed upon increasing photon energy. Upon variation of the concentration the spectra for the alloy films reveal a gradual shift of the ∆5 minority spin band through the Fermi level and a change of the sign of the spin polarization at the Fermi level in full agreement with the expected tendency from Co to Fe. Such a behavior agrees with both a simple mixture of the Fe and Co electronic properties in a randomly mixed alloy film, and a chemical separation (clustering) of both constituents.

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