Artificial FeCu(100) epitaxial ordered alloy films: Element-selective magnetic properties

Kuch , W., Salvietti , M., Gao , X. Y, Klaua , M., Barthel , J., Mohan , C.-V., Kirschner , J.

Journal of Applied Physics 83, (11), pp 7019-7021 (1998)

Epitaxial artificial FeCu alloy thin films in the fcc L10 ordered phase were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on Cu(100). Magnetic circular dichroism in x-ray absorption at the Fe and Cu L2,3 edges was used to study the electronic and magnetic properties of the normally immiscible FeCu(100) alloy films. The Fe exhibits magnetic moments comparable to that of fcc Fe films, ruling out the occurrence of nonmagnetic fcc Fe. The ratio between orbital and spin contribution to the Fe d moments is significantly enhanced in FeCu with respect to Fe/Cu(100), and amounts to approx0.12. An induced magnetic moment of the Cu atoms is observed, which carries about 7% of the total d-band moment of the FeCu film.

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