
Ultra-low-power memcapacitor device for neuromorphic computing - published in Nature Electronics October 11<sup>th</sup>, 2021

Much effort is being made to develop new types of memory devices that can revolutionize the computing paradigm of the past half century. Major breakthroughs are needed, in particular, in the domain of Deep Learning as a subset of Artificial Intelligence. In-memory computing and brain inspired neuromorphic hardware are the driving principles for this paradigm shift. Recently, a team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle (Saale), and SEMRON GmbH, Dresden, Germany, have successfully demonstrated a unique capacitive memory technology with unprecedented energy-efficiency. The technology can easily be implemented using conventional silicon manufacturing processes and systems, thereby paving the way to its rapid commercialization and adoption in many application domains. The results were published in Nature Electronics on October 11th. more

Successful PhD defense of Jue Huang

Congratulations to Jue Huang! more

Yicheng Guan obtains summa cum laude for his PhD

Congratulations to Yicheng Guan! more

Jagannath Jena receives summa cum laude!

Congratulations to Jagannath Jena! more

Summa cum laude for Tianping Ma!

Congratulations to Tianping Ma! more

Successful defence of  Abhay Kant Srivastava

Congratulations to Abhay Kant Srivastava! more

Shuo-Ying Yang receives summa cum laude!

Congratulations to Shuo-Ying Yang! more

Summa cum laude PhD defense for James Taylor

Congratulations to James Taylor ! more

Stuart Parkin on Latest Thinking

Stuart Parkin explains his scientific research on the Open Access Video platform "Latest Thinking". more

Wie Perlen auf einer Schnur

Die Festplattentechnik kommt an ihre Grenzen. Das Racetrack-Konzept soll die Datendichte enorm erhöhen. Es kommt sogar ohne bewegliche Teile aus. more

Cognitive and Spintronic Technologies

Conventional computing technologies are innately two-dimensional - now dramatic improvements in these technologies have been achieved. more

Financial Times Magazine - Electronics: Memory Man

British physicist Stuart Parkin believes he could hugely increase data-storage capacity using a new technique called ‘racetrack memory’ more

Tschüss IBM, hallo Halle

Tschüss IBM, hallo Halle

September 23, 2014

Der Festkörperphysiker Stuart Parkin geht aus Stanford in den USA an die Universität Halle/Wittenberg und das Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik in Halle. more

Millennium-Technologiepreis für Stuart Parkin

Der Physiker erhält die Auszeichnung, die mit einer Million Euro dotiert ist und als Nobelpreis für technische Innovationen gilt, für die Entwicklung von Speichermedien. more

Winner of 2014 Millennium Technology Prize

Our ability to stream music and videos from the Internet today we owe not least the physicist Stuart Parkin. more

<h1>Spitzenphysiker Stuart Parkin forscht ab April in Halle</h1>

Professor Stuart Parkin, Preisträger der Alexander von Humboldt-Professur und Spitzenforscher im Bereich der Speichertechnologie, wechselt im April nach Halle. more

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