

Forschung hautnah: Magnetismus, Mikroskopie und Reinraum am Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik. [mehr]
Are you curious about Linux but have little to no experience with it? Join our "Linux for Beginners" course, where you will get helpful insights into this operating system. [mehr]
The aim of the course is to introduce you to the most common Machine Learning tools. These tools include classical methods such as Linear Models, standard methods like Trees and Support Vector Machines or more recent tools like UMAP or Artificial Neuronal Networks. The tools will be explained by discussing an hands-on example and by briefly working out the underlying mathematical idea. [mehr]
This workshop is tailored specifically for postdocs and more advanced PhD students who are considering submitting a proposal for any type of grant. You will have the opportunity to evaluate and develop your project idea and your proposal inlight of the requirements of the funding agency. [mehr]

Quantum technologies based on integrated nonlinear devices

In this session you will learn everything you need to know about the start-up support at the MPG and how to transform your reseach into business. We will show you the different offers for future sciencepreneurs and give you some insights on how to develop your business model in our interactive workshop. [mehr]
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