IMPRS Retreat 2023
- Start: Oct 25, 2023 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Oct 28, 2023 03:00 PM
- Location: Leucorea, Wittenberg
- Contact:

The IMPRS-STNS students meet from 25-28 October for their annual retreat at the LEUCOREA in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. The program is organized by the IMPRS student committee.
There will be invited talks by PIs, but also from postdocs and an IMPRS alumnus who is now working in industry. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss the work of IMPRS students during the poster sessions. The social program includes a guided tour of the city, an optional visit to a brewery and the possibility to join the excursion to Ferropolis on Saturday. We also offer a workshop on “Cultivating Resilience and a Growth Mindset as a Physics PhD”.