Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute
To ensure a high quality of research is maintained over the long term, all Max Planck Institutes are subject to regular assessment from independent advisory boards.
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of internationally renowned researchers from Germany and other countries. Its main task is the regular evaluation of the research performed in the institute. Based on this, the board advises the institute and the president of the Max Planck Society concerning the innovative development of the institute’s research as well as concerning an efficient deployment of the available funding. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are appointed by the president of the Max Planck Society.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Roel Baets
Universiteit Gent, Department of Information Technology
Gent, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Eugenio Coronado
Universitat de València, Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Valencia, Spain
Prof. Dame Lynn Gladden, CHAIR
University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hecht
DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien e. V.
Aachen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Kei May Lau
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
Kowlon, Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Vidya Madhavan
University of Illinois, The Grainger College of Engineering, Department of Physics
Urbana, USA
Prof. Dr. Cherry Murray
The University of Arizona, Department of Physics
Tucson, USA
Prof. Dr. Michelle Simmons
Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
Sydney, Australia
Prof. Dr. Ali Yazdani
Princeton University, Department of Physics
Princeton, USA