Scientific module “Transport theory - methods and applications“

by Annika Johansson, Antonio Sanna, Kay Dewhurst, Börge Göbel
Duration: 1,5 days. Dates: March 25 + April 2

Transport theory: methods and applications
A comprehensive two-day course covering 

  • General Introduction to Transport Theories: the foundational theories such as the Boltzmann equation, Kubo formalism, Green's function approaches, and nonlinear transport will be introduced. With practical, mainly analytical exercises we will enhance our understanding.
  • Numerical Calculations: Apply your knowledge to simple model systems using numerical methods.
  • Introduction to DFT: Explore the basics of Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its role in transport theory, providing a solid grounding for further study.
  • Theory-Experiment Cooperation: Examine a real-world case study illustrating the synergy between theory and experimental results, such as ARPES band structures and the tight-binding model.
  • Micromagnetic Simulations 
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