Responsible Research and Publication Ethics
Zoom talk
- Date: Aug 11, 2020
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Melissa Patterson
- AIP Publishing
- Location: Zoom

New scientists aspire to contribute to their disciplines by conducting interesting research and publishing their findings to advance science. As part of their training, they are not only responsible for learning and understanding the technical aspects of their scientific work but the fundamental expectations and obligations in its honest execution. Responsible conduct of research and publication ethics can sometimes be challenging. While most researchers may feel they have a good grasp of what they are responsible for and how to avoid misconduct, there are a lot of gray areas that could inadvertently lead them down the wrong path. This interactive talk will aim to address questions that arise as research is conducted, submitted to journals, peer reviewed, and ultimately published. It will also give an overview on the standard forms of misconduct (and how to avoid them) as well as provide answers to questions surrounding authorship and what constitutes a publication.
Melissa is the Director of Editorial Development for AIP Publishing (AIP) a not-for-profit scholarly publisher whose journals cover research in the physical sciences. She is currently responsible for the editorial success, management, and strategic development of a subset of AIP Publishing’s journal content and the Conference Proceedings program. She works closely with Editors to create innovative content development strategies for areas in materials science, applied physics, and physical chemistry. Melissa is also responsible for overseeing publication ethics at AIP Publishing. She works with the internal and external editorial teams on procedures and policy development to maintain the accuracy of the scientific record and ensure the integrity of the peer review process and the proper conduct of research is preserved. Prior to her career in publishing, Melissa earned a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Stony Brook University and conducted post-doctoral research at Brookhaven National Laboratory. She also holds a degree in Adolescent Science Education, Chemistry from Queens College.
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