Event archive

Event archive

Room: Lecture Hall, B.1.11 Location: MPI Halle

How we can model and use symmetry

Scientific Module
After some motivation and first examples, we look at groups systematically and explore the mathematical language to study them. There will be exercises to work on and we discuss solutions (even if incomplete). One of the goals is to understand the symmetry of regular n-gons and to really get in touch with mathematical reasoning. And of course we want to discuss where symmetry might play a role in your work! [more]
The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]
The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]
The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]

Frequency multiplication by collective nanoscale spin-wave dynamics

Lecture & Talk
In the scientific field of magnetism, attention is moving towards ever more complicated magnetic textures. Simple ferromagnetic materials, however, seem to have nothing interesting to offer anymore. Or, do they? [more]
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