Unlocking the Future of Water: 2D Materials in Action
More than 40 renowned scientists and experts in graphene and 2D materials for water purification discussed possible ways to address water scarcity.
In an exclusive symposium, participants from all over the world gathered in Dresden to present and discuss their latest findings on 2D materials and how they can be used to address one of the biggest global challenges which humanity faces today: water scarcity.
The Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (MPIMSP), in collaboration with TU Dresden and Khalifa University’s Research & Innovation Center for Graphene and 2D Materials (RIC-2D Center), hosted on April 11 and 12, 2024 in Dresden an exclusive symposium on 2D materials in water applications.
The symposium was co-chaired by Professor Xinliang Feng, Director at the MPIMSP, and Professor Hassan Arafat, Senior Director of the RIC-2D Center at Khalifa University. More than 40 renowned scientists and experts presented their latest activities and discussed possible ways to address water scarcity. Participants came from the U.S., Canada, the Middle East, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Special focus was laid on desalination and PFAS.
Following intensive discussions, the organizers are convinced that the ideas and findings presented at the symposium can help address the global challenge of water scarcity, make clean drinking water for everybody a reality, and thus contribute towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

About TU Dresden
TUD, or Dresden University of Technology, is one of Germany’s largest Universities of Technology. It is also one of the country’s leading and most dynamic universities. More than 30,000 students are enrolled in 119 degree programs. Its broad spectrum of research - considered exemplary across Europe - focuses on Life Sciences, Quantum Materials, Microelectronics, Tactile Internet, Materials Science, Data-Intensive and Digital Sciences, Circular Economy, and Societal Change. Since 2012, TUD is a German University of Excellence, and home to the cfaed Cluster of Excellence. For more information visit www.tu-dresden.de
About RIC-2D Center at Khalifa University
Established in 2022 and hosted by Khalifa University of Science and Technology as part of a strategic investment by the Government of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, the center organizes various activities supporting both research and technology advancement of graphene and other enhanced 2D materials. For more information visit https://www.ku.ac.ae/ric-2d/
About the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nation member states adopted the “2030 Sustainable Development Agenda”, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (STGs). The aim of STG no. 6 is the ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. For more information visit https://sdgs.un.org/goals