Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The PLASMA-SPIN Energy project is supported by an international Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) established from internationally recognized leading experts in various subjects thematically connected to the activity of the CoE. SAB members embed the CoE in an international valuable network of partners of interest and future cooperation partners, and provide advisory support to CoE projects, both during the creation, operation and commercialization of the results of the work. The SAB members play an active role in promoting of CoE young talented researches.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Kostya Ostrikov
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Prof. Bronislava Gorr
Institute of Applied Materials - Applied Materials Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Prof. Yuriy Pershin
University of South Carolina, USA
Prof. Daniel Loss
University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Ursel Fantz
Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
Dr. Ane Aanesland
ThrustMe Company, Verrières-le-Buisson, France