Archive 2020

Archive 2020

Room: Lecture Hall, B.1.11 Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle (Saale)

On the use of piezo-substrates: reversible elastic film strain for engineering electronic properties


Majorana fermions in Kitaev spin liquids


Toward ultrafast control of Dirac electrons: Photoexcitation and coherent phonons in topological semimetals


Basics of group theory and applications in solid state physics and photonics - Part 1

Basic concepts of group theory [more]

Thinking big in a small company - as a scientist in a small-sized family business

Career Talk

Basics of group theory and applications in solid state physics and photonics - Part 2

Representation theory [more]

Basics of group theory and applications in solid state physics and photonics - Part 3

Examples from electronic structure theory and photonics [more]

Polymeric synapses for neuromorphic computing


Nanostructures studied by X-ray diffraction - Part 1


Nanostructures studied by X-ray diffraction - Part 2


Proximity induced superconducting collective modes

Carbon-based nanoscience


Topological generation and control of spin-triplet super currents in chiral antiferromagnetic Josephson junctions


Computational studies of spintronics materials for energy-efficient electronic devices


Integrated nonlinear optics and inverse-designed multimode photonics

Magnetic proximity effect as a pathway to superconducting spintronic


Quantum quipus


Exploring the antiferromagnetic ground states and domain walls of Mn on Ir(111) by SP-STM


Unveiling novel temperature scales at the surfaces of 4f materials by ARPES measurements

The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact [more]
The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact [more]
Sie haben sich bestimmt gefragt, was die Archäologen letztes Jahr auf dem Baufeld unseres Institutsneubaus gemacht haben. Dr. Torsten Montag wird in seinem Vortrag über die dortigen Funde von der Bronze- bis zur zur Neuzeit berichten und sie im archäologischen Kontext einordnen. Freuen Sie sich auf einen spannenden Vortrag! [more]
What is a Patent attorney, how do you become one and what (the heck) does a patent attorney do all day? Short answer: fighting with paper, BUT there is more to it. [more]
Infineon Technologies AG ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Halbleiterlösungen, die das Leben einfacher, sicherer und umweltfreundlicher machen. Infineon ist das führende Unternehmen in Automotive, Energiemanagement, energieeffizienten Technologien und im Internet der Dinge. Ich berichte in meinem Vortrag über den großen Infineon Standort in Dresden mit mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeitern und seinen aktuellen Ausbau, bei dem mehr als fünf Mrd. Euro in eine neue Halbleiterfertigung investiert werden. [more]

2DEGs and FETs based on perovskite oxide semiconductor BaSnO3


In-fiber direct generation of entangled and hyper-entangled photon pairs


Addressing fundamental physics questions with large-scale entanglement

Physics & beyond

Accelerating AI through Photonic Computing and Communication


Deep physical neural networks trained with in-situ backpropagation


Programmable photonics for deep neural network inference and training


Transient nanoscale thermal imaging and heat transport


Design, manufacturing, and modelling challenges for very large-scale integrated quantum processors in foundry CMOS technologies

Displaying a poster at an academic conference is an important and effective way for junior researchers to present their work in progress to the international scientific community. As such, the poster presentation is not only a good alternative to a classic conference talk, but also offers an almost ideal opportunity to network with colleagues working in a similar field. Yet, many posters are inadequately written and/or designed and fail to attract visitors, and poster presenters, thus, often miss their chance to connect with their fellow researchers when discussing their posters. [more]

Materials design and fabrication for light sensing, energy efficiency, solar electricity production, and CO2 capture and reduction

Physics & beyond
Scientists make some mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside of academia. This workshop will help you to write a convincing application. [more]
Careers in academia are often challenging, because only a minority of people gets a permanent position. In this workshop we first talk about how to make it for a permanent position in academia. After that you will learn how to find career paths outside of academia. The workshop is focussed on the German labour market, but includes some aspects of careers in Austria, Switzerland, UK and US. Furthermore, strategies for the non-academic market can be used in many countries. [more]
Die Entwicklung der Leuchtdiode vom Signallämpchen zum Hochleistungsleuchtmittel [more]

Shaping ultrafast laser interaction – gateway to novel 3D photonic integrated devices


Emergent spin-related phenomena with artificially broken symmetry


Probing ultrafast spin-orbitronic transport with terahertz electromagnetic pulses


Van der Waals epitaxy of magnetic transition metal dihalides


Der Einsatz von physikalischen Sensoren zur kabellosen Messung von Magnetfeldern

Welche Struktur hat das Magnetfeld um Toroidspulen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, zeigen die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihr 3D-gedrucktes 1:100 Modell des ATLAS-Detektors am CERN. Die X-, Y- und Z-Komponenten des Feldes werden mit einem drei-achsigen Sensor erfast und über Bluetooth auf einen Rechner übertragen. Langzeitmessungen des Erdmagnetfeldes sind geplant, um die Sonnenaktivität zu untersuchen. Weltraumwetter und magnetische Stürme können die Bordelektronik in Flugzeugen und die Übertragung von Radiowellen beeinflussen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das Prinzip der Ortung einer Radiowellenquelle mithilfe einer Richtantenne und einem SDR-Dongle (Software Defined Radio) demonstriert. [more]

Colloidal Assembly of Plasmonic Superstructures

NISE Seminar

Coulomb screening in two dimensional materials

NISE Seminar

Two-dimensional multiferroics: What we know and what lies ahead

NISE Seminar

Visualizing supercurrent flow in Josephson junctions


Skyrmions: Dynamics and applications

NISE Seminar
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